Who voted for this
Interviews with people hit by welfare cuts made by vile governments. Great dislike for those who let such cuts happen.
Kate Belgrave
Journalist and blogger
Photos courtesy of Latoya, the mother of the little boy with autism in the first episode.
2 episodes
And Hackney council refuses to talk about a serious child safety issue
The podcast heads to Hackney council to ask to speak to someone about Latoya's desperation for a swap to a home when her son won't get injured.The council shows this podcast the door - though we absolutely refuse to leave. We are stayin...
A young son with autism and a very unhelpful council
Latoya is the mother of a 7 year old boy who has autism. The boy is heading for calamity in the family's present home, which everyone who sees him, including professionals, understands within five minutes of watching him. Will H...
Season 1
Episode 1